Richard III by William Shakespeare
Directed by Alex Wakelam
The King is dead, long live the King! Let's eat.
Peace has broken out at last in England, and good King Edward, victorious at last, invites you all to dinner. Just hand your coats to our master of ceremonies, Richard, Duke of Gloucester. But there are rumours that Edward is not well and rumblings are abroad he is more interested in the servants than the administration of the state. Perhaps a more suitable ruler lies waiting in the wings, and, as guests drop dead before the soup has made its entrance, the number of candidates for the English crown narrows with each course.
'Why, I can smile, and murder whiles I smile,
And cry 'Content' to that which grieves my heart,
And wet my cheeks with artificial tears,
And frame my face to all occasions.
Can I do this, and cannot get a crown?'
Tuesday 13th - Saturday 17th May
Studio at New Wimbledon Theatre

Richard III - Josh Mallalieu
Buckingham - Dan Rhodes
Anne - Zoe Spencer
Queen Elizabeth - Immi Wignall
Clarence - Eamonn Lynch-Bowers
Lord Hastings - Patrick Briône
King Edward - Marshall Camden
Queen Margaret - James Wood
Stanley - Shehrry Naz
Duchess of York - Nick Chinn
Prince Edward - Esmée Patel
Prince Richard - Harry Cowper
Earl Rivers - Amber Hollowday
Lord Grey - Jay Langford
Lord Mayor - Daniel Drema
Dorset - Saleh Kayyali
Director - Alex Wakelam
Stage Manager - Robin Langham
Production Manager - Alida Avola
Lighting Design - James Denny​